首先是有關船的部位的名字。在船上給指示的時候,通常不會說到船的左邊集合、到船的後面集合,船的前後左右有特別的名字,比較不容易混淆。船的前側叫做bow,後側叫做Stern,右側是starboard,左側是port。船通常都用port側靠港,高級軍官的寢室通常在starboard側。方向的話,往前是foward,往後是aft。prow是船首往前凸出水面的部分。中古時代的大船,都是帆船,帆本身是sail,越大的船越多桅 (mast),也就是垂直綁了帆的柱子,材料的圓柱叫spar。快速航行的時候靠風力,但是要靠港的時候,就要把帆收起來(furl the sail),改用人力(oarsman)划槳(oar)。船殼是hull,船的龍骨是keel。甲板(deck)邊緣船的上緣叫做gunwale。如果你趴在船邊吐,那就是趴在gunwale上。船長掌的向方向盤一樣的舵(helm)是控制船的最後的方向舵,方向舵的軸心是tiller,葉片是rudder,飛機尾端垂直翼上控制左右的葉片也是rudder。停船(moor)的時候要拋錨(anchor)。要離港的話就要解纜、解錨(unmoor)。
帆的配置有分縱帆 (fore-and-aft rigged) 及橫帆 (square rigged),還有Lateen or latin-rig 是一種三角帆。
Galley是戰船,有帆也有大批的槳手,設計用來衝撞對方的船或者是捉對廝殺用的。schooner是一種雙桅帆船,前桅比後桅要矮。brigatine是前帆為橫帆,後帆為縱帆的雙桅帆船。skiff是小船,休閒或捕魚用的,不一定有帆。Sloop是單桅的船。carrack是十五世紀葡萄牙人發展出來的三至四桅的帆船,可以長途航行做探險或商務之用。dhow是阿拉伯的lateen rigged的單桅帆船。
Pirates, Privateers, Buccaneers, Corsairs通常中文都翻成海盜。pirates大家比較熟,就是攻擊其他船隻來搶劫財物或綁架換贖金的人。privateers比較像傭兵,收了錢幫人家打仗的船隻和船員。Buccaneers (也是坦帕灣的美式足球隊的名字,坦帕灣海盜隊)是特指十七世紀末,一開始是在海上販賣肉品給其他船隻,後來發現用搶的比較快的那群人。英、法、西都有在雇用他們。corsairs是特指外國海盜,特別是伊斯蘭和法國的。曾經有黑多伊斯蘭海盜霸佔著地中海。在海盜的黃金時代(1650-1730),法國的海盜也被稱為corsairs。
Bow 船前側
Prow 船前側
Stern 船後側
Port 船左側
Starboard 船右側
Forward 往船前
Aft 往船後
Mast 桅
spar (船用)圓材、圓杆
Sail 帆
fore-and-aft rigged sail 縱帆
square rigged sail 橫帆
lateen 三角帆
Oar 槳
Oarsman 划槳手
Anchor 錨
Gunwale 船緣
Tiller 舵軸
Rudder 舵葉片
Hull 船身
Prow 船前側在水面以上突出去的部位
bilge 船底部通常在水下的部分
Helm 舵
Sextant 六分儀
Forecastle 艏樓、前部的水手艙
aftcastle or sterncastle 船尾艙房,通常是船長的艙房
Barnacle 藤壺
Capsize, careen v. 把船上下翻轉
Furl v. 收帆
Moor v. 停靠
Moorage n. 停靠
Flotsam 遇難船隻的飄浮殘骸
Galley 戰船
Galleass 主要用槳推動的戰船
carrack 大型商船
Schooner 雙桅帆船
brigatine 前桅為橫帆,後桅為縱帆的雙桅帆船
Sloop 單桅帆船
dhow 阿拉伯單桅三角帆船
Skiff 小船
Corsair 海盜
Heel v. 船因風力或離心力往側邊傾斜
hulk 廢船
To the west, in the shadows of Sunspear's massive walls, mud-brick shops and windowless hovels clung to the castle like barnacles to a galley’s hull. (A Feast for Crows)
From prow and stern and mast flew familiar banners. (A Feast for Crows)
The decks tilted, creaking, as the galleas Titan’s Daughter heeled to starboard and began to come about. (A Feast for Crows)
"It's there," Lewys said. "Four oarsmen. The galley is anchored just past the point. Mad Prendos.” (A Storm of Swords)
Half a hundred buckets of seawater still hung from the gunwales, in case of fires. (A Storm of Swords)
Brienne moved the tiller and the skiff sheared left, sail rippling. (A Storm of Swords)
There are dangers at sea as well. Corsairs and pirates hunt the southern route, and north of Valyria the Smoking Sea is demon-haunted. (A Storm of Swords)
Sometimes the storm winds blow so strong a man has no choice but to furl his sails. (A Storm of Swords)
He could see Salladhor Saan's flagship Valyrian moored at the quay where Fury and her sisters had once tied up. (A Storm of Swords)
The oarsmen were backing water frantically, trying to avoid a collision that could capsize them or stove their hull in. The old man had wrenched the rudder about, and the horse at the prow was swinging downstream, but too slowly. (A Storm of Swords)
Lord Stannis’s Fury, a triple-decked war galley of three hundred oars, looked almost small beside some of the big-bellied carracks and cogs that surrounded her. (A Clash of Kings)
The charred spars of sunken hulks sat in the shallows, forbidding access to the long stone quays. (A Storm of Swords)