

從Merriam-Webster Visual Dictionary找到的這張圖算是很清楚的城堡部位圖解。以下挑出書裡常出現的講解。

moat是護城河,drawbrige是可以升起放下跨過護城河的橋。gatehouse、guardhouse是門口的大樓,barbican是守望樓,守護大門一帶的區域。Keep是城堡的主樓,bailey或ward都是指前庭、內庭,gatehouse的大門通常是升降閘門叫做portcullis,上方有孔洞可以往下面來攻擊的敵人倒下熱油,那個孔洞叫murder hole。城牆四周的尖塔是turret,牆壁上有供弓箭手射箭出去的小洞叫crenel (垛口)。鋸齒狀的城牆上層總稱battlement,鋸齒狀的部分叫parapet (城垛),城垛高起的部分叫merlon (城齒)。城堡的邊門叫postern。外圍的防禦壁壘叫做rampart。某些城堡更外圍還有木製柵欄palisade。管理城堡的堡主是castellan。

書中常提到的一種城堡型式叫做Motte and Bailey土壘內庭式的城堡。像是下圖的英國溫莎堡就是土壘內庭式城堡。中央有一個圓型的keep在土壘 (motte) 上,左右有兩區bailey。



moat 護城河

drawbridge 升降橋

gatehouse 門樓

barbican 望樓

keep 主樓

bailey, ward 前庭、內庭

portcullis 升降閘門

murder hole 屠口

turret 塔樓

battlement 胸牆

parapet 城垛

crenel 垛口

merlon 城齒

postern 邊門

rampart 壁壘

palisade 柵欄

castellan 堡主

motte 土壘



From its window, she could see that the heavy iron portcullis in the gatehouse was down, and the drawbridge drawn up over the deep dry moat that separated the keep-within-a-keep from the larger castle that surrounded it. (A Game of Thrones)

He had never thought to find a stone castle on the far side of the Wall, but he had pictured some sort of motte-and-bailey with a wooden palisade and a timber tower keep. (A Clash of Kings)

A small castle dominated the town; no more than a holdfast, really, a single tall square keep with a bailey and a curtain wall. (A Storm of Swords)

She was about to say as much when she saw the battlements ahead, long parapets built into the very stone of the mountains on either side of them. (A Game of Thrones)

The battlements bristled with spears and swords and scorpions, there was an archer at every crenel and arrow slit, the drawbridge was up, the portcullis down, the gates closed and barred. (A Game of Thrones)

And above it all, frowning down from Aegon’s high hill, was the Red Keep; seven huge drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts, an immense grim barbican, vaulted halls and covered bridges, barracks and dungeons and granaries, massive curtain walls studded with archers’ nests, all fashioned of pale red stone. (A Game of Thrones)

Its great curtain wall was a hundred feet high, unbroken by arrow slit or postern, everywhere rounded, curving, smooth, its stones fit so cunningly together that nowhere was crevice nor angle nor gap by which the wind might enter. (A Clash of Kings)

He swept the flame low before him, looking for . . . there. On the inside of the rampart and in the wide crenel between two upthrust merlons. (A Clash of Kings)

The castellan at Winterfell is a brave man, but age has stiffened his wits as well as his limbs. (A Clash of Kings)

Three iron grates closed the inner passage, each locked and chained and protected by a murder hole. (A Storm of Swords)



城堡事典 作者/池上正太、ORG 譯者/高胤喨 (


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